I loved finding this- learned so much new lore and facts about this tree- thank you for sharing! The Hawthorne (I spelled it with an e at the end) features heavily in a fantasy story I wrote - conclusion due to post mid October. If you have any liking of old god/fairy/demon stories I would love for you to check it out. I have had this attraction to this tree since childhood, as I have had to fairies and magic…so many rich and wonderful layers to pagan lore and your posts are truly a delight! 🥰🙏🏼🙏🏼✨✨

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I am so glad you enjoyed it! would love to read your story when it is finished. Will you publish it here? I am just lucky the plants (or their caretaker sprites) speak to me on occasion. I read a lot on substack about the disenchantment of the world, but honestly, it could not be more shot through with magic, as least that is what i find.

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Yes, Part 1 and 2 are already out, “”The Lost and the Veil”. If you like to read something all in one setting instead of having to wait, the conclusion will post Sunday after this. I’m afraid it’s a bit longer than I usually write for Substack 🥴 I sort of got carried away with my world building! 🤣🥰🙏🏼

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Some of my posts are ridiculous long too. As a dyslexic person, i befuddle me. I will look for it!

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I totally agree with the magic that can be found in this beautiful world we have been given- I could tell you felt this way, it shines through in your posts 💕✨✨✨

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Gorgeous and oh so lovely!! 🥰

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I am glad you enjoyed it!

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I grew up with a few small hawthorn trees across the street. I loved the little pink buds. They were too small to try to climb (there was a great maple for that elsewhere), and the bark was scratchy. In the fall we all tried to flee from the tiny blue gnats that would swarm for a few weeks. Looking back, I do remember a sense of them being guardians. My friends big ginger cat loved bring near them, too.

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The bark is scratchy!

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