I can still remember when i first met the Hawthorne tree. As a very young child, I was in awe of it’s full glory. Delicate and fragrant tiny roses. Already gathered in an elegant bouquet. I knew it was for the fairies. That cannot be missed. For a long moment my little heart was filled with wonder and i pondered it, with some hope of etching the delight of it, into my mind and heart. That was decades ago. Recently, some hawthorne winked at me. Long story short, I now have some Hawthorne elixir brewing in the dark corner. And, a song of gratitude flowing from my heart. Greatly do we all have need of it in these days of betrayals and wounding treachery.
The Hawthorne Tree, is the 3rd member of the fairy triad.
Oak and Ash being the first two. Hawthorne guards the threshold between the worlds, and guards the wayfarers that traverse it. On May first only, are blossoms brought indoors to bless the home. Of course, she should be sung to. Edward Durand has this lovely song for her here. So, ya know i am not the only person doing this. It came as natural as breathing to me. So i know that in some people, it is, nigh instinctive. I knew there had to be a song out there.
Where there is any Broken heartedness, when feelings are in danger is isolating you from others, when that downwards spiral begins there you need hawhorne. A gentle path to connection and a twinkle of hope begins to appear on the horizon. Grief or loss, though part of existence, can be very difficult, so if it can be made easier, it is worth trying. Difficult experiences are made all the harder because of micro deficiencies. Hard times sap our reserves of many things, micro and macro.
There is a native indigenous of north america, have a way of understanding the plants relationship to humanity, that i find most in accord with my experience. It is more in accord with observable reality, compared to any other philosophy i have found so far. That of plants being collectively our grandparents. That many of them, seek our wellbeing as a grandparent would. And that we should respect and steward them as we would a grandparent. As part of a living family of beings that exist and are always meant to exist here on Earth, together.
Otherwise, we would not have developed color vision and our souls would not know the beauty of an ancient friendship, when we see it. It is medicine for the thoughtful person, who can plan ahead. Someone with long term planning over impulse. Different parts of the tree or shrub, need to be gathered not just at their peak, but at different times of the year. It is well preserved in tincture. Or if there is great abundance, a lovely tea can be made of the fruit, for purposes of health maintenance, or sheer pleasure.
Crataegus monogyna, Crataegus laevigata (synonym Crataegus oxyacantha), English hawthorn, harthorne, haw, hawthorne, mayhaw, oneseed hawthorn, thornapple. Legal status: Over-the-counter supplement (United States).
Different varieties of hawthorne has different color blossoms. Some white some red, some both. I am not sure which is suitable for everyone, or which ever one grown near you. If it is available near you, i would consider using it. I am still very unsure about store supplements. Such things as sand, sawdust, and flour have been found in them. so, self sourcing is still superior, though more labor intensive. I suspect this is why so many of us enjoy gardening. And being out of doors in the morning or evening can be healthsome. The glorious sun’s infra red light is dominant, and so needed by our Vagus nerve and circulatory system.
Hawthorne is from the Rose family, and has many of the same healing qualities, as does Rose. Anxiety is a specialty of Rose, and this also Hawthorne does. It is an excellent nervine, and this too helps the heart calm itself from stress. It is almost as if looking at them, In a way it tells you what they are for, to us. They can visually really get your attention. Pulling you out of a self absorbed melancholy, even if only for a moment. They are something, that one would not mind seeing every day. Modern art cannot do that for me. As an artist it keeps me humble.
The herbal Actions of hawthorne are related to the dilation of the blood vessels of the heart and other organs, thus improving function. The fruits, leaves and flowers contain helpful flavonoids like rutin (a component of vitamin C complex, which is a combination of over 200 elements). Also contains Vitexin. If you know of the legendary use of Vitex or Chaste Tree Berry, you know how helpful this component is. Here is a blurb from the world of food science about the impact of Vitexin on oxidative stress.
Vitexin is an apigenin flavone glycoside found in food and medicinal plants. It has a variety of pharmacological effects, including antioxidant, anti‐inflammatory, anticancer, antinociceptive, and neuroprotective effects. This review study summarizes all the protective effects of vitexin as an antioxidant against reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation, and other oxidative damages in a variety of oxidative stress‐related diseases, including seizure, memory impairment, cerebral ischemia, neurotoxicity, myocardial and respiratory injury, and metabolic dysfunction, with possible molecular and cellular mechanisms. This review describes any activation or inhibition of the signaling pathways that depend on the antioxidant activity of vitexin. More basic research is needed on the antioxidative effects of vitexin in vivo, and carrying out clinical trials for the treatment of oxidative stress‐related diseases is also recommended. Food Sci Nutr. 2020 Jun; 8(6): 2569–2580.
Published online 2020 Apr 14. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.1567
PMCID: PMC7300089
PMID: 32566174
Hawthorne also contains some quercetin, ascorbic acid and tannins. Often, it is good to combine it with motherwort. It has no know harmful or toxic effects. It is maximized in tincture or infusion, but an elixir, or the tea is lovely. I love it with a bit of honey. Tart and sweet. Planting some near you is a good long term plan. Most people have no idea of how to utilize them. just make sure it is away from industrial areas and roads.
Thank you for reading!
I loved finding this- learned so much new lore and facts about this tree- thank you for sharing! The Hawthorne (I spelled it with an e at the end) features heavily in a fantasy story I wrote - conclusion due to post mid October. If you have any liking of old god/fairy/demon stories I would love for you to check it out. I have had this attraction to this tree since childhood, as I have had to fairies and magic…so many rich and wonderful layers to pagan lore and your posts are truly a delight! 🥰🙏🏼🙏🏼✨✨
Gorgeous and oh so lovely!! 🥰